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Our Story...

Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College on January 2, 1897 by Jessie Wallace Hughan, Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Stella George Stern Perry, and Helen St. Claire Mullan: four extraordinary young women. So long ago, when these four decided to form a women's fraternity, they determined at the outset that no one would be excluded based on race, religion or creed. Sisters of the Sigma Beta Chapter are not only tremendously proud of this legacy, they are also inspired by it. Since 1897, AOII has grown to include over 190 chapters and over 150,000 initiates who share and celebrate AOII's history and future.

AOII's Sigma Beta Chapter was installed in 2005 and is typical of AOII, which means it's not typical at all. AOII emphasizes individual growth, leadership, scholarship, and community service and urges all sisters to Exceed the Expectation. Sisters of the Sigma Beta Chapter make every effort to do just that. Raising money to find a cure for arthritis and rheumatoid juvenile arthritis, Sigma Beta holds Strike Out Arthritis! each fall. All proceeds are donated to the Arthritis Foundation—in partnership with AOII since 1967. In the spring, AOIIs sponsor a Sister for Soldiers event, where games, movies, magazines and more are collected and shipped overseas to our soldiers. Pandamonium, where sisters fundraise for Children's Hospital of Philadelpha, Boo at the Zoo, where they volunteer on behalf of the zoo, and AOII Goes Green, a conservation initiative, are some of the many ways AOII contributes to St. Joseph's University and the community at large.


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